07-26-78     A Bull Market Scenario
08-29-78     A Political Inflation
09-28-78     Special Report: The Congressional Races of 1978
11-00-78 Bulls and Bears on Election's Eve
12-00-78 Special Report: Aftermath of the November Elections
01-00-79     Inflation and Recession, 1979
01-26-79 Special Report: China and Global Realignment
03-00-79 Schlesinger, Energy and Iran
03-26-79 Bull Market Scenario Reviewed
04-27-79 The Tokyo Round and the Third World
05-31-79 Aftermath of the British Elections
06-29-79 Special Report: The Next Six Months
07-00-79 Carter, Kennedy and Brown
07-23-79 Energy Overview
08-17-79 Carter's New Team
09-26-79 The End of Détente
10-23-79 The "Volcker Panic"
11-26-79 Reagan, the Republicans and Teddy Kennedy
12-20-79 Volcker Dinner
12-28-79 Puerto Rico and Statehood
02-01-80 Carter and Crisis
02-29-80 Inflation and the 'Arc of Crisis'
04-00-80 A Reagan Landslide?
05-02-80 An Authentic Guide to Supply-Side Economics
06-00-80 The "Northeast Strategies"
07-03-80 The Republican Convention
08-01-80 The Reagan Bull Market
09-04-80 The Politics of Gold
10-00-80 The Campaign Homestretch
11-00-80 Post-Election Strategies
12-03-80 A Supply-side Foreign Policy
01-08-81 Waiting for President Reagan
02-03-81 A Monetary/Fiscal Stalemate
03-03-81 Selling The Reagan Program
03-27-81 El Salvador's Threat to U.S. Revival
05-05-81 The Horizon for Bonds
06-03-81 Bull Market Scenario, Reviewed
07-06-81 Midway on the Stockman Strategy
08-08-81 Now, Money
09-23-81 Business Week and the Gold Standard
11-04-81 The Mundell-Zijlastra Option
12-03-81 The Stockman Chronicle
01-05-82 Letter from Uruguay
02-05-82 Behind the Power Curve
03-05-82 Prospects for Policy Change
04-02-82 Deflation
05-04-82 The Deficit Theory
06-01-82 The Versailles Summit
07-09-82 The Importance of Being Shultz
08-04-82 Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee
08-10-82 Ronald Hoover's Tax Bill
09-02-82 Belatedly, Money
09-30-82 The November Elections
12-08-82 The Volcker Standard
01-06-83 Economic Leadership: 1983 Scoreboard
02-02-83 Mythical Deficits: A Mythical Tax
03-03-83 The Case for Bonds
04-04-83 The Volcker Reappointment
05-02-83 Reagan and Andropov
06-06-83 Monetarists on the Loose
07-04-83 Going With Growth
08-08-83 A Bull Market Interlude
10-04-83 Trip to Russia and China
11-02-83 Volcker's October Deflation
11-29-83 Reagan, JFK and the Third World
01-05-84 A Rosy Nineteen Eighty Four
02-03-84 The Collapse of the Democrats
03-02-84 Political Realignment: 1936 & 1984
04-05-84 A Gold Standard Q & A
05-08-84 Mondale Versus Reagan
06-06-84 Ending the Fed's Deflation
07-00-84 Reagan's Second Term
08-03-84 A Mondale Victory Scenario
09-05-84 A Significant GOP Convention
10-04-84 Presidential Homestretch
12-03-84 1985 Goals: Tax Reform and Expansion
01-06-85 Geneva, Star Wars and Strategic Defense
02-05-85 Europe, the Strong Dollar & Tax Reform
03-05-85 Monetary Crisis and Farm Chaos
04-09-85 The Bonn Summit
05-09-85 Baker versus Shultz
06-17-85 Anxieties on Wall Street
08-05-85 The Protectionist Threat, 1929/1985
09-05-85 Rosy Scenario
10-09-85 The Importance of Richard Darman
11-20-85 The Kemp- Bradley Monetary Conference
02-03-86 For Awhile, Clear Sailing
02-24-86 The Philippine Election and Constitutional Crisis
03-31-86 At the Fed, All's Well That Ends Well
04-30-86 The Tokyo Summit: A Good Bet
06-02-86 May: A Great Month for JB III
07-21-86 The World Economy Holds Us Back
09-09-86 A Trip to Northeast Asia
10-10-86 Reagan's Homestretch: Money & Star Wars
12-31-86 The Outlook for 1987
02-18-87 Reflections on the Bull Market
04-12-87 Cross Currents for a Lame Duck
06-09-87 A Kemp Scenario
08-03-87 A Reagan Rebound
10-01-87 The U.S. Unemployment Boom
12-07-87 The Economy and the Crash: A Press Account
01-12-88 The Outlook for 1988
03-15-88 A Bush Presidency
09-08-88 A Growth Path to the 21st Century
03-29-89 Rethinking Inflation
06-27-89 The Devaluation Idea
09-14-89 Mission to Moscow
01-29-90 Economic Growth, Social Security and Capital Gains:
a Supply-side Fable of Grasshoppers and Ants
01-04-91 The Post-Cold War World After One Year:
An Assessment of Where We Stand
09-24-91 A Democratic White House Scenario
10-09-91 Trial by Press:
James B. Stewart vs. Michael Milken
03-31-92 A Flat Tax Would
Produce Explosive U.S. Economic Growth
06-11-92 A Perot Presidency
01-12-93 A Transitional Presidency
01-24-94 Karl Marx Revisited
06-23-94 A Visit to Castro's Cuba
03-09-95 A Gold Polaris
1995 An American Empire
03-29-96 Economic Growth
01-23-97 A Bi-Partisan Framework for Tax Reform
09-25-98 A Review of Our Deflation Analysis
12-31-99 A History of the 20th Century
02-22-01 The Monetary Deflation of 1980-83
04-01-04 Globalization's Newest Paradigm

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