'What's Going on in the USA?'
Jude Wanniski
October 3, 2004


Memo To: Website Fans, Browsers, Clients
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Writing for Al Jazeera

A few days ago, I got a telephone call from Doha, Qatar, from a fellow named Ahmed Janabia, the opinion editor of Al Jazeera’s English-language website. He had heard about me from an Iraqi I know, Dr. Mohammed Obeidi, a pathologist who lives in England and has for decades been an opponent of the Baghdad regime of Saddam Hussein. Ahmed told me he had been following my commentaries at this website for several weeks and wondered if I would write an opinion column for Al Jazeera. He suggested a topic, but left it up to me to write something about something I thought would be of interest to his website’s audience.

Hmmm. Well, okay. I figured if the Islamic world will take the trouble to reach out to me, I’d reciprocate. I agreed to write a commentary about “What’s going on in the USA?,” an attempt to make some sense of the unusual politics the Islamic world is seeing in the U.S. this presidential election year. Ahmed told me he liked my piece a lot. Here it is. There is a place for readers to comment if you would like to offer direct feedback to Al Jazeera If you’d like to reply to my remarks, please let me know through webmaster@polyconomics.com .
