01-05-00     Early Millenial Thoughts
01-12-00 The Presidential Debatezzzzz
01-20-00 Alan Greenspan: Master of the Universe
01-24-00 Iowa and Other Items
01-28-00 The Hapless Republicans
02-01-00 Inverted Yield Curve
02-03-00 President McCain
02-09-00 The Political Wheels Are Spinning
02-15-00 Oil Over $30/bbl
02-28-00 Populist Stirrings
03-03-00 March Musings
03-08-00 China and the WTO
03-14-00 The Twisted Economy
03-16-00 "Taxing" the Internet
03-22-00 Gore vs. Bush vs. Buchanan
03-28-00 Different Angles on the News
04-17-00 Capgains Trapped Investors
04-19-00 How I Called the NASDAQ
04-27-00 Crazy Cross-Currents
05-03-00 Bulls & Bears on the Internet
05-11-00 Wall Street Space Invaders
05-30-00 Leadership Vacuum at the Top of the World
06-08-00 Fresh Optimism on Taxes
06-13-00 Prospects on Estate Tax Repeal
06-21-00 Buying Back the 30-year Bond
06-29-00 Tax Scramble
07-06-00 Thinking about Prices
07-14-00 U.S. Strategy #1
07-25-00 Vice President Dick Cheney
07-31-00 Thinking about Prices II
08-04-00 An Unbeatable Bush?
08-09-00 Lieberman and the Mommy Party
08-23-00 Gore Triangulates
08-30-00 Stuck in a Theoretical Cul de Sac
09-05-00 The Bush/Dole Campaign
09-13-00 The Politics of Oil at $35
09-15-00 Taxes, Oil and the Polls
09-19-00 Fedwatch: October Surprise?
10-02-00 Denmark and the Euro
10-04-00 The Elections and the NASDAQ Slide
10-18-00 Market Volatility
11-02-00 Tax Cuts with a GOP Sweep
11-13-00 Murphy's Law
11-15-00 Market Odds and Ends
11-17-00 Triangulation and Realignment
11-22-00 Market "Corrections"
11-29-00 Plenty to Worry About
12-05-00 NASDAQ's Ups and Downs
12-15-00 Bear Slide, When Does It End?
12-23-00 Waiting for a Dead-Cat Bounce
12-27-00 A Deflationary 2001