01-02-97     A Springboard Into 1997
01-08-97 The Clinton/Lott Government III
01-16-97 Albert Wohlstetter, R.I.P.
01-20-97 Fixing Social Security on Wall Street
01-22-97 Clinton/Lott Government IV/Fedwatch
01-29-97 Clinton/Lott Government V/Indexed Bonds
02-05-97 State of the Union
02-10-97 Rubin, Greenspan and the Dollar
02-19-97 The Dow at 7000: No Big Deal
02-21-97 Clinton/Lott Government VI/Fedwatch: Gold's Bounce
02-26-97 Greenspan at His Scariest
03-04-97 Farrakhan at Our Conference/Fedwatch
03-07-97 Clinton/Lott Government VII
03-17-97 Budget Breakdown?
03-19-97 A Major Republican Mistake
03-21-97 Clinton/Lott Government VII/Fedwatch
03-31-97 Everything Wrong at Once
04-02-97 Where's the Bottom?
04-08-97 Scatterted Thoughts
04-10-97 Yen Weakening, Dollar Steady/Farrakhan
04-14-97 A Republican Bear Market
04-22-97 Budget Stalemate: What Next?
04-28-97 Political Realignment
05-05-97 The Budget Deal
05-09-97 Clinton/Lott Government IX/Fedwatch
05-19-97 Clinton/Lott Government X/Fedwatch
05-23-97 The Republican Congress
06-02-97 The Budget Deal Update
06-03-97 Vive the French Left!
06-05-97 Hooray! At Last! Dynamic Analysis!
06-17-97 Threats to the Bull Market
06-27-97 A Few Thoughts for the Weekend
07-02-97 The Clinton (Ha, Ha) Tax Plan/Fedwatch
07-08-97 Farrakhan, Uniting Islam
07-09-97 Gold at $320
07-14-97 A Three-Legged GOP
07-16-97 Reading the Papers Today
07-18-97 Latest Threat to the Budget Deal
07-24-97 Grenspan's Missed Opportunities
07-28-97 The Budget Deal Again
07-30-97 Capgains: Screwed by Rubin
08-08-97 Fedwatch: Bearish for Blue Chips
08-13-97 The UPS Strike, A Classic
08-19-97 Finally, the CPI Catches Gold
08-22-97 Selling on the Deflation Bias
08-29-97 The Long Labor Day Weekend
09-09-97 Greenspan's Stanford Speech
09-30-97 Thinking about the Euro
10-07-97 The Ugly Americans II
10-14-97 Letter to Malaysia's Deputy Premier, Anwar Ibrahim
10-15-97 Still in the Trading Range
10-17-97 Market Jitters and Memories of the Crash of '87
10-23-97 The Asian Flu
10-27-97 Discounting A Serious Deflation
10-29-97 Alan Greenspan, Deflationist
11-05-97 Interesting Times
11-12-97 Slippery Slope in Iraq
11-14-97 Greenspan's Testimony
11-17-97 Iraq: A Manufactured Crisis
11-25-97 Open Letter to George Melloan
11-26-97 The Isolated Islamic World
12-03-97 Gold Below $300
12-04-97 Thinking about Deflation
12-11-97 Thinking about Deflation II
12-18-97 Thinking about Deflation III